DC Villages

What is a Village?

Villages help people age in their own homes within the neighborhood they know and love. Villages are not buildings nor places where people live. They are neighborhood-based, non-profit organizations that offer activities, companionship, practical support from neighbors, and volunteer opportunities. Here in DC, Villages are an integral part of the aging services network.



Prescription Delivery Household Repairs and Maintenance Safety Adaptations Gardening Snow Shoveling


Friendly Visits Cultural Outings Check-in Calls Educational Events Social Gatherings Emergency Preparedness Assistance

Health & Wellness

Fitness Classes Vaccination Clinics Assistance Making Appointments Short-term Case Management Preferred Service Provider Referrals


Meal Services Meal Preparation Assistance Referrals to Food Resources Grocery Shopping


Transportation to and from Appointments, Shopping, Village Events, and more Transportation Options Counseling and Support


In-home Tech Support for Computer, Phone, Tablet, Printer, TV or other Media Tech Training

Find your Village

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